USED Antique, ORIGINAL, Unique, MEDIUM Vintage and Authentic Swiss Cow Bell

USED Antique, ORIGINAL, Unique, MEDIUM Vintage and Authentic Swiss Cow Bell
USED Antique, ORIGINAL, Unique, MEDIUM Vintage and Authentic Swiss Cow Bell
USED Antique, ORIGINAL, Unique, MEDIUM Vintage and Authentic Swiss Cow Bell
USED Antique, ORIGINAL, Unique, MEDIUM Vintage and Authentic Swiss Cow Bell
USED Antique, ORIGINAL, Unique, MEDIUM Vintage and Authentic Swiss Cow Bell
USED Antique, ORIGINAL, Unique, MEDIUM Vintage and Authentic Swiss Cow Bell
USED Antique, ORIGINAL, Unique, MEDIUM Vintage and Authentic Swiss Cow Bell
USED Antique, ORIGINAL, Unique, MEDIUM Vintage and Authentic Swiss Cow Bell

USED Antique, ORIGINAL, Unique, MEDIUM Vintage and Authentic Swiss Cow Bell

Bell works like it should! Authentic Swiss Cow Bell sound everyone knows. WAS actually in USE and USED on a COW!

THIS IS BELL #7 in a series! This BELL Originates from the Mountains in the Canton/Kanton Wallis/Vallais (Region where the Matterhorn is in Zermatt).

USED Antique, ORIGINAL, Unique, MEDIUM Vintage and Authentic Swiss Cow Bell